Electrical panels

  • A well-made electrical panel is easier to understand as the components are attentively organized and classified into groups.
  • It is easier to modify if necessary, because in its realization nothing is left to chance and the necessary space is normally provided for any subsequent changes.
  • In a well-made switchboard, it is unlikely that there will be electrical failures due to wire splices, cable corrosion or worn out cable insulators.

The panels
are made with the best components on the market.

Wiring care

Even the aesthetics are taken care of in the construction of the electrical panels, and should be taken into consideration.

MEROLLA s.r.l.
Kt. Michele Merolla

Headquarter Via Catapani, 15 84018 Scafati (SA)
Factory Via XXV Aprile, 117 80040 Poggiomarino (NA)

Telephone +39 081 528 57 77
Fax +39 081 338 11 62
E-mail info@merollacampane.com


Light meets art.
Art meets sound

© 2020 Merolla s.r.l. - P. IVA 06147030651 - Design Rosaria Millo

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